In 1999 the Island of Curaçao in the South Caribbean, celebrated 500 years of its written history, initiated by Amerigo Vespucci in 1499; that year's greatest event, 'Sail Curaçao 500' was part of the year round celebrations attracting various tall ships. Although it was the first time such an event was organized, it was a huge success. During those days Curaçao and our harbour were in the spotlight, showing the enthusiasm of our visitors and of our local people, emphasizing our close link with the sea throughout our history.
Based on this experience, the Curaçao Sail Foundation was established in order to promote the interest in traditional sailing ships - especially among our youngsters - by organizing nautical tall ships events. At the same time our mandate is to promote our unique harbour in the center of Willemstad, our monumental World Heritage capital.
The Curaçao Sail Foundation is affiliated with the International Federation of Maritime Associations and Navy Leagues (FIDALMAR) seated in Madrid at the Royal Spanish Navy League.
Due to its geographic position since the 17th century, Curaçao has played a fundamental role within the historical processes of its neighbours, including a bridging role between Great Colombia and Holland. Hence one may say, that its key economic position of Curaçao as part of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, largely depends on this strategic position of Curaçao and that of its harbour, linking Latin America and the Caribbean region. It is this strategic position that makes the Island of Curaçao a perfect hub for vessels from all over the world sailing through the Caribbean.

Anna Bay and Part of the Inner Port
(Courtesy of Curaçao Ports Authority)